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Tags: composer, Ionian University, music for documentaries, music for the theater, pianist, teaching
Tags: Chopin, classical music, composer, concerts, duo, guitarist, mathematics, Rachmaninoff
Tags: composer, concerts, music for television, music for the theater, pianist, piano, psychoacoustics, scholarship, technology
Tags: composer, guitarist, vocals, writer
Tags: Berklee, Boston, composer, composition, concerts, Cyprus, drummer, educator, teaching
Tags: composer, Paris, pianist
Tags: 70's, composer, drummer, groups
Tags: accordionist, composer, hammond player, Keith Jarett, pianist, solist
Tags: bassist, composer, guitar, music for the theater, poems, writer
Tags: composer, Ionian University, pianist
Tags: composer, composition, music for the cinema, music for radio, music for television, pianist, USA
Tags: composer, composition, flutist, Los Angeles, music for the cinema, music for dance theater, music for radio, music for the theater, saxophonist
Tags: Berklee, Boston, composer, composition, concerts, groups, London, saxophonist, scholarship
Tags: composer, composition, guitarist, music for radio, music for the theater, publications, teaching
Tags: chamber music, composer, composition, ERT, Maria Callas, music for the ballet, music for the theater, Paris, pianist, poems, symphonic music
Tags: Berlin, composer, Greek roots, modern jazz, saxophonist
Tags: arrangement, composer, Department of Music Studies of the UoA, five string quartet, opera, pianist, piano concert, symphonic orchestra
Tags: 60's, 70's, Barakos Jazz Club, composer, duet, Greek jazz scene, key figure, pianist, writer
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